“Blank is an event and a method. It is unlike Emptiness, for example, not something to be believed in or not. It provides the tabula rasa with a fullness of its own. Similarly the Vacuum, in our time, has a fullness of its own, and that, too, is composed of indiscernibles.”
—Arakawa/Madeline Gins
Pour Ne Pas Mourir/To Not To Die
Paperback: 130 pages
Publisher: Editions de la Difference, 1987
Language: English and French
ISBN: 2-77291-02-50-7
99 Examples numbered 1-99
26 Examples marked A-Z signed by the authors and containging a suite of 4 etchings by Arakawa
To Not To Die (Japanese Edition)
Translator: Masashi Miura
Publisher: Libroport, 1988
Language: Japanese and English
ISBN: 4-8457-0332-7