“…Word Rain, like later texts by Madeline Gins, is an “atmospheric” object, one which seeks to include every mobile peripheral zone and perpetrates repeated assaults on solid boundaries. Word Rain, in keeping with its saturated, pouring title, blurs subject and object, theme and subject: dampens subjectivity into an “it” (“it says”, says its strange, drawn-out title), following what one might call a rule of “thumb”…
…Is the “tensile subject” the subject of the book ? The subject of reading ? Of writing ? How tensile ? Tensile as in extensible ? Or as tensed ? Syntactically, “I find her room” goes back and forth, at top speed, between two reading options, depending on whether “her” is a possessive adjective, or she to whom room is destined. A lot here depends on “whether”. A lot here depends on (the) weather…”
—Marie-Dominique Garnier, extract from “She is raining: reading Word Rain,” 2012
- English edition:
Hardcover: 136 pages
Publisher: Grossman Publishers, Inc., 1969
SBN: 670-78240-8 - Spanish edition:
Hardcover: 140 pages
Publisher: Greylock, 2023
ISBN: 978-84-126633-2-7